Time Units - Solidity Part 4.2

In Solidity, dealing with time is essential for various applications, especially when building contracts that involve time-based conditions, such as delays, expiration times, or scheduling events. Solidity simplifies time calculations by providing predefined time units, making it easier for developers to work with timestamps and durations.

Source Code: https://github.com/scaihai/enkwadore-blog-blockchain-demos/tree/main/solidity/contracts/4.2

Solidity’s Time Units

Solidity uses Unix time (also known as Epoch time), which represents time as the number of seconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 (00:00:00 UTC). Solidity provides a set of keywords to convert more human-readable time units into seconds. These units are:

  • seconds: The base unit of time in Solidity. No conversion is necessary since Unix time is measured in seconds.
  • minutes: Converts a value to seconds by multiplying it by 60.
  • hours: Converts a value to seconds by multiplying it by 3,600 (60 minutes × 60 seconds).
  • days: Converts a value to seconds by multiplying it by 86,400 (24 hours × 60 minutes × 60 seconds).
  • weeks: Converts a value to seconds by multiplying it by 604,800 (7 days × 24 hours × 60 minutes × 60 seconds).

Using Time Units in Smart Contracts

Let’s look at how these time units can be applied in a smart contract. Here’s an example of a time-locked contract that releases funds only after a specified duration:


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract TimeLock {
    address payable public beneficiary;
    uint public releaseTime;

    constructor(address payable _beneficiary) payable {
        beneficiary = _beneficiary;
        releaseTime = block.timestamp + 1 hours;

    function release() public {
        require(block.timestamp >= releaseTime, "Current time is before release time");
        require(address(this).balance > 0, "No funds to release");


    function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
        return address(this).balance;

    function getBeneficiaryBalance() public view returns (uint) {
        return beneficiary.balance;

In this contract, releaseTime is set in the constructor to an hour after deployment. The contract will release funds to the beneficiary only if the current time (block.timestamp) is equal to or greater than releaseTime.

Practical Considerations

  1. Block Timestamps: Solidity’s block.timestamp provides the current block’s timestamp in seconds. However, it’s crucial to understand that miners have some flexibility in setting timestamps, within about 15 seconds of the real time. This flexibility could potentially be exploited in time-sensitive applications, so avoid relying on precise timing for critical functionality.
  2. Time-Based Conditions: Time units are often used in smart contracts for setting deadlines, delays, or expiration times. For instance, in ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), time units can define the start and end times of the token sale.


Time units in Solidity provide a convenient way to work with durations and deadlines in smart contracts. By understanding and using these units effectively, you can create robust contracts that handle time-sensitive operations. However, always be mindful of the nuances, such as the flexibility of block timestamps, to avoid potential pitfalls in your contract’s logic.


Ether Units - Solidity Part 4.1

In Ethereum, the native cryptocurrency is called Ether (ETH). When writing smart contracts in Solidity, understanding how to work with Ether units is crucial, as it ensures that your contract handles payments, fees, and balances correctly. Solidity provides a convenient way to manage Ether values by using different units. This post will explore these units and how to use them effectively in your smart contracts.

Source Code: https://github.com/scaihai/enkwadore-blog-blockchain-demos/tree/main/solidity/contracts/4.1

Ether and Its Subdivisions

Ether, like many other currencies, can be subdivided into smaller units. The smallest unit of Ether is called Wei. Here is a breakdown of the most commonly used units:

  • Wei: The smallest denomination of Ether, where 1 Wei = 10^(-18) Ether.
  • Gwei: 1 Gwei = 10^9 Wei.
  • Ether: The base unit, where 1 Ether = 10^18 Wei.

These units are often used to express different amounts depending on the context. For example, transaction fees are typically expressed in Gwei, while larger amounts might be denoted in Ether.

Using Ether Units in Solidity

Solidity makes it easy to work with these units through built-in keywords. You can use them directly in your code without having to manually calculate the conversion between Wei and Ether.

Here’s an example of how you can use these units:

uint oneEtherInWei = 1 ether; // 1 Ether = 10^18 Wei
uint oneGweiInWei = 1 gwei;   // 1 Gwei = 10^9 Wei

Working with Ether Units in Practice

When working with smart contracts that handle payments, it’s important to be mindful of the unit you’re working with. Ether units make your code more readable and help avoid errors that could arise from manual conversion.

For example, when setting up a crowdfunding contract, you might want to specify the minimum contribution in Ether:


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract CrowdFunding {
    uint public minimumContribution = 1 gwei;

    function contribute() external payable {
        require(msg.value >= minimumContribution, "Contribution too small");
        // Handle contribution logic

    function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
        return address(this).balance;

In this case, the minimumContribution is set to 1 Gwei, which is automatically converted to Wei by the compiler.


Understanding and using Ether units in Solidity is essential for writing accurate and reliable smart contracts. By using these built-in units, you can avoid common pitfalls and make your code easier to read and maintain. Whether you’re dealing with small amounts in Wei or larger sums in Ether, these units help you work confidently with Ethereum’s native currency.


Mapping Types - Solidity Part 3.3

Mappings are one of the key data structures in Solidity, used extensively to create associations between data. If you’re familiar with the concept of hash tables or dictionaries in other programming languages, mappings in Solidity serve a similar purpose. However, they come with unique characteristics and limitations due to the blockchain’s nature.

Source Code: https://github.com/scaihai/enkwadore-blog-blockchain-demos/tree/main/solidity/contracts/3.3

What is a Mapping?

A mapping is a reference type in Solidity that allows you to store data in a key-value pair format. The key can be of any elementary type, such as uint, address, bytes, or even bool, while the value can be any type, including another mapping or an array.

Here’s a basic example of how a mapping is declared:

// Mapping of addresses to integers
mapping(address => uint) public balances;

In this example, balances is a mapping where each Ethereum address (address) is associated with an unsigned integer (uint), representing the balance of that address.

Accessing and Modifying Mappings

You can access and modify the values stored in a mapping using the key. For example:

// Setting a balance for an address
balances[msg.sender] = 100;

// Accessing the balance of an address
uint balance = balances[msg.sender];

The above code snippet demonstrates how to set a balance of 100 for the message sender (msg.sender) and how to retrieve the balance later.

Properties and Characteristics of Mappings

Mappings in Solidity have some unique properties:

  1. Non-Iterable: Mappings are not iterable. You cannot loop through a mapping to get all the keys or values. This is a significant difference from arrays or structs.
  2. Default Values: If you query a key that has not been set yet, the mapping will return the default value for the type. For example, if you try to access a uint mapping with a key that hasn’t been assigned a value, it will return 0.
  3. Storage Efficiency: Mappings are more storage-efficient than arrays because they don’t store keys. Instead, the key is hashed to find the corresponding value’s storage location.
  4. Gas Costs: Reading from a mapping is relatively cheap in terms of gas, while writing is more expensive due to storage costs on the blockchain.

Nested Mappings

Solidity allows nested mappings, where the value itself is another mapping. This is useful in scenarios where you need to create multi-dimensional associations.

// Nested mapping from address to another mapping
mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nestedMapping;

In this example, nestedMapping is a mapping where each address maps to another mapping that maps a uint to a bool.

Here’s how you might work with a nested mapping:

// Setting a value in the nested mapping
nestedMapping[msg.sender][1] = true;

// Accessing a value from the nested mapping
bool value = nestedMapping[msg.sender][1];

Use Cases for Mappings

Mappings are highly versatile and are often used in a variety of smart contract applications. Some common use cases include:

  • Token Balances: Track balances of users in a token contract.
  • Voting Systems: Store votes or voter statuses.
  • Access Control: Manage permissions or roles within a contract.

Limitations of Mappings

While mappings are powerful, they come with limitations that developers need to be aware of:

  1. No Length Property: Unlike arrays, mappings do not have a length property, meaning you can’t directly determine the number of elements stored in a mapping.
  2. No Enumeration: You can’t list all the keys stored in a mapping. This makes mappings unsuitable for situations where you need to access all elements.
  3. No Key Existence Check: Solidity doesn’t provide a built-in way to check if a key exists in a mapping. You have to rely on the default value behavior to infer this.

Best Practices with Mappings

  • Use Structs for Complex Data: If you need to store multiple values associated with a key, consider using a struct as the value type in your mapping.
  • Delete Unused Data: Although mappings automatically return default values, you can delete entries to save gas and avoid confusion.
delete balances[msg.sender];
  • Design with Non-Iterability in Mind: Since mappings can’t be iterated, design your contract logic accordingly. If you need to keep track of all keys, maintain a separate array.

Example: A Simple Voting Contract

To illustrate mappings in action, let’s build a simple voting contract:


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract Voting2 {

    struct Voter {
        bool voted;
        uint8 vote;  // 0 for no vote, 1 for option A, 2 for option B

    mapping(address => Voter) public voters;
    mapping(uint8 => uint) public votes;  // Mapping to store the vote count for each option

    function vote(uint8 _vote) external {
        require(!voters[msg.sender].voted, "Already voted.");
        require(_vote == 1 || _vote == 2, "Invalid vote.");

        voters[msg.sender] = Voter(true, _vote);
        votes[_vote] += 1;

    function getVotes(uint8 _option) external view returns (uint) {
        return votes[_option];

In this contract:

  • voters maps each address to a Voter struct, tracking whether the voter has voted and their choice.
  • votes tracks the total votes for each option (1 for Option A and 2 for Option B).

This example showcases how mappings and structs can be combined to create a simple yet functional voting system.


Mappings are a fundamental part of Solidity and are essential for creating robust and efficient smart contracts. By understanding their properties, limitations, and best practices, you can leverage mappings to build secure and scalable decentralized applications. While they come with certain constraints, their ability to store and quickly retrieve data makes them indispensable in the Ethereum ecosystem.


Arrays - Solidity Part 3.2.1

Arrays are essential data structures in Solidity that allow you to store multiple values of the same type within a single variable. In this post, we’ll explore the details of arrays in Solidity, covering their types, how to declare and initialize them, access and modify their elements, and the best practices for working with them.

Source Code: https://github.com/scaihai/enkwadore-blog-blockchain-demos/tree/main/solidity/contracts/3.2.1

Understanding Array Types in Solidity

In Solidity, there are two main types of arrays:

1. Fixed-Size Arrays

Declaration: Fixed-size arrays are declared with a specific length that cannot be changed after they are initialized.

uint[3] myArray; // Array of 3 unsigned integers

Initialization: These arrays can be initialized either with values or left to default.

uint[3] myArray = [1, 2, 3]; // Initialized with values
uint[3] anotherArray; // Default initialized (0 for uint)

Advantages: Fixed-size arrays offer predictable gas costs due to their static nature.

Disadvantages: They lack flexibility since the size is immutable.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract FixedArrayExample {
    uint[3] public fixedArray = [1, 2, 3];

    function getElement(uint index) public view returns (uint) {
        require(index < fixedArray.length, "Index out of bounds");
        return fixedArray[index];

In this example, fixedArray is an array with three elements, and its size is fixed, so adding or removing elements is not possible.

2. Dynamic Arrays

Declaration: Dynamic arrays are defined without a specific length, allowing them to grow or shrink as needed.

uint[] myDynamicArray;

Initialization: Similar to fixed-size arrays, dynamic arrays can also be initialized with or without values.

uint[] myDynamicArray = [1, 2, 3];
uint[] anotherDynamicArray;

Advantages: Dynamic arrays provide flexibility, as elements can be added or removed.

Disadvantages: Managing the dynamic size can lead to higher gas costs.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract DynamicArrayExample {
    uint[] public dynamicArray;

    function addElement(uint _element) public {

    function getElement(uint index) public view returns (uint) {
        require(index < dynamicArray.length, "Index out of bounds");
        return dynamicArray[index];

    function removeLastElement() public {
        require(dynamicArray.length > 0, "Array is empty");

Array Operations

Accessing Array Elements

To access an element in an array, use square brackets with the index:

uint value = myArray[1]; // Access the second element

Indices start at 0.

Slicing an Array

You can extract a portion of an array:

uint[5] myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
uint[2] slice = myArray[1:3]; // Creates a new array with values [2, 3]

Modifying Array Elements

To change the value of an existing element:

myArray[0] = 10;

Adding Elements to Dynamic Arrays

Use the push function to add an element to the end of a dynamic array:


Removing Elements from Dynamic Arrays

To remove an element at a specific index, use the delete keyword. Note that this doesn’t reduce the array’s length:

delete myDynamicArray[1];

To remove the last element and reduce the array’s length by one, use the pop function:


Getting Array Length

To get the number of elements in a dynamic array, use the length property:

uint arrayLength = myDynamicArray.length;

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Solidity also supports multi-dimensional arrays, which are arrays of arrays:

uint[2][3] matrix; // A 2x3 matrix of unsigned integers

Best Practices

  • Fixed-Size Arrays: Opt for fixed-size arrays when the size is known in advance to optimize gas costs.
  • Dynamic Arrays: Use dynamic arrays when the size is uncertain or can vary.
  • Gas Costs: Be cautious of gas costs when working with large arrays or frequently modifying them.
  • Libraries and Custom Structures: Consider using libraries or creating custom data structures for more complex operations.
  • Index Validation: Always validate array indices to prevent out-of-bounds errors.


Arrays are a versatile tool in Solidity, offering both fixed and dynamic options to cater to different scenarios. By understanding their characteristics and adhering to best practices, you can efficiently work with arrays in your smart contracts.


Reference Types - Solidity Part 3.2

In Solidity, understanding how data is handled in smart contracts is crucial for optimizing performance and ensuring correct behavior. One of the key concepts in Solidity is reference types, which include arrays, structs, and mappings. These types are more complex than value types and are managed differently depending on where they are stored: in storage, memory, or calldata. Let’s dive into these concepts to understand how they work and how to use them effectively.

Source Code: https://github.com/scaihai/enkwadore-blog-blockchain-demos/tree/main/solidity/contracts/3.2

What Are Reference Types?

Reference types in Solidity are variables that store a reference to data rather than the data itself. This allows for more complex data structures compared to value types (e.g., integers and booleans), which store the actual value. Reference types include:

  • Arrays: Lists of elements.
  • Structs: Custom data types composed of multiple variables.
  • Mappings: Key-value pairs.

These types are essential for building sophisticated smart contracts, but they also come with specific considerations regarding their storage locations.


Storage is where all the contract state variables are saved. When you declare a variable in Solidity, it’s stored in the contract’s storage by default. Here are the key points about storage:

  • Persistence: Data in storage persists between function calls and transactions. This means changes to storage variables are saved permanently (until explicitly modified or the contract is destroyed).
  • Cost: Writing to storage is expensive in terms of gas costs. This is because every change to storage is recorded on the blockchain.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract StorageExample {
    uint256[] public numbers; // Array stored in storage
    struct Person {
        string name;
        uint age;
    mapping(address => Person) public people; // Mapping stored in storage


Memory is a temporary, volatile data location used for intermediate calculations and data storage during function execution. Key aspects of memory are:

  • Volatility: Data in memory is erased between (external) function calls and does not persist. It is only available during the execution of a function.
  • Cost: Memory is cheaper to use compared to storage, which helps in reducing gas costs for temporary data handling.
  • Usage: You explicitly declare variables to be stored in memory using the memory keyword. It’s particularly useful for function parameters and local variables.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract MemoryExample {
    function getSum(uint256[] memory numbers) public pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 sum = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
            sum += numbers[i];
        return sum;


Calldata is a non-modifiable, non-persistent data location used primarily for function arguments. It is specific to external function calls and is a more efficient way to handle input data.

  • Immutability: Data in calldata cannot be modified. This makes it efficient for reading large amounts of data sent to a function.
  • Cost: Using calldata is cost-effective because it avoids unnecessary copying of data. It is suitable for external functions where arguments are passed to the contract.
  • Usage: Parameters in external functions can be marked as calldata. This is particularly useful for handling function arguments in a gas-efficient manner.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract CalldataExample {
    function processData(uint256[] calldata data) external pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 total = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            total += data[i];
        return total;


Understanding the differences between storage, memory, and calldata is essential for optimizing your Solidity smart contracts. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Storage: Persistent, costly, used for state variables.
  • Memory: Temporary, less costly, used for intermediate data.
  • Calldata: Non-modifiable, efficient, used for function arguments.

By choosing the appropriate data location for your needs, you can make your contracts more efficient and cost-effective. Make sure to consider these aspects when designing your contract to ensure both functionality and performance.


Interfaces - Solidity Part 3.1.15

In Solidity, interfaces play a crucial role in enabling smart contracts to communicate with each other. They allow for the definition of a contract’s external functions without implementing them, providing a blueprint for other contracts to interact with. This blog post will dive into the concept of interfaces in Solidity, their syntax, use cases, and best practices.

Source Code: https://github.com/scaihai/enkwadore-blog-blockchain-demos/tree/main/solidity/contracts/3.1.15

What is an Interface in Solidity?

An interface in Solidity is a type of contract that defines a set of function signatures without providing their implementation. Think of it as a contract’s public API—a way to specify the functions that other contracts can call. Interfaces enforce a standard, ensuring that different contracts adhere to the same structure when interacting.

Key characteristics of interfaces:

  • They cannot have any functions implemented.
  • They cannot define state variables.
  • They cannot have constructors.
  • They cannot inherit from other contracts, but they can inherit from other interfaces.

Syntax of Interfaces

The syntax for defining an interface in Solidity is quite similar to that of a contract. Here’s a basic example:


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface TokenInterface {
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

In this example:

  • TokenInterface is the name of the interface.
  • The functions totalSupply, balanceOf, and transfer are defined without implementation.

Each function is marked with the external visibility keyword, which means they can only be called from outside the contract.

Implementing an Interface

To use an interface, a contract must implement all the functions defined in the interface. Here’s how you might implement the TokenInterface:


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

import "./TokenInterface.sol";

contract MyToken2 is TokenInterface {
    mapping(address => uint256) private balances;
    uint256 private _totalSupply;

    constructor(uint256 initialSupply) {
        _totalSupply = initialSupply;
        balances[msg.sender] = initialSupply;

    function totalSupply() external view override returns (uint256) {
        return _totalSupply;

    function balanceOf(address account) external view override returns (uint256) {
        return balances[account];

    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external override returns (bool) {
        require(balances[msg.sender] >= amount, "Insufficient balance");
        balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
        balances[recipient] += amount;
        return true;

In this implementation:

  • The MyToken2 contract implements all the functions declared in TokenInterface.
  • The override keyword ensures that the functions are overriding the definitions from the interface.

Why Use Interfaces?

Interfaces are particularly useful for:

  • Decoupling contracts: They allow for the separation of a contract’s implementation and its interface, which can lead to more modular and maintainable code.
  • Interoperability: Interfaces enable contracts to interact with other contracts, especially in a decentralized ecosystem where multiple contracts may need to communicate.
  • Security: By defining clear interfaces, it becomes easier to audit and verify that contracts adhere to specific standards.

Use Cases of Interfaces in Solidity

  1. ERC-20 Token Standard: The ERC-20 standard is defined as an interface. Any token contract that adheres to this standard must implement all the functions in the IERC20 interface, ensuring consistency across all ERC-20 tokens.
  2. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi protocols often rely on interfaces to interact with other smart contracts. For example, a lending protocol might use an interface to interact with various token contracts without needing to know their specific implementations.
  3. Oracles: Oracles provide external data to smart contracts, and interfaces are often used to define the structure of oracle contracts. This allows multiple oracle providers to implement the same interface, enabling smart contracts to interact with different oracles interchangeably.

Best Practices for Using Interfaces

  • Minimize External Calls: While interfaces make it easy to call functions in other contracts, it’s important to be cautious about making external calls, as they can introduce vulnerabilities and increase gas costs.
  • Adhere to Standards: When working with established standards like ERC-20, ensure that your interface adheres to the standard’s specifications.
  • Avoid Interface Changes: Once an interface is defined, avoid making changes to it, as this can break the contracts that implement it. Instead, consider creating a new interface if modifications are necessary.


Interfaces are a powerful feature in Solidity that promote modularity, interoperability, and security in smart contract development. By defining clear and consistent interfaces, developers can create contracts that are easy to interact with and integrate into larger decentralized systems. Whether you’re working with tokens, DeFi protocols, or oracles, understanding and using interfaces effectively is essential for building robust and maintainable smart contracts in the Ethereum ecosystem.


Abstract Class - Solidity Part 3.1.14

In Solidity, abstract contracts are a powerful feature that allows developers to define contract templates with incomplete or unimplemented functionality. These contracts serve as blueprints that can be extended by other contracts to create more complex systems. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of abstract contracts in Solidity, how they work, and when to use them in your decentralized applications (dApps).

Source Code: https://github.com/scaihai/enkwadore-blog-blockchain-demos/tree/main/solidity/contracts/3.1.14

What is an Abstract Contract?

An abstract contract is a contract that contains at least one function without an implementation. These functions are declared but not defined, meaning they do not contain any code within their bodies. Instead, the implementation is left to be provided by derived contracts that inherit from the abstract contract. Due to the presence of unimplemented functions, an abstract contract cannot be instantiated directly.

Here’s a basic example of an abstract contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.7;abstract contract Animal {    // Abstract function with no implementation    function makeSound() public virtual returns (string memory);}

In this example, Animal is an abstract contract with an abstract function makeSound(). The keyword abstract is used before the contract declaration, and the virtual keyword is used for the function, indicating that it can (and should) be overridden by derived contracts.

Defining and Inheriting Abstract Contracts

To use an abstract contract, you must create a new contract that inherits from it and provides implementations for all the abstract functions. If you fail to implement all the abstract functions, the derived contract will also be considered abstract.

Here’s how you can define a concrete contract that inherits from the Animal abstract contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.7;abstract contract Animal {    function makeSound() public virtual returns (string memory);}contract Dog is Animal {    // Implementing the abstract function    function makeSound() public pure override returns (string memory) {        return "Woof!";    }}

In this case, Dog is a concrete contract that inherits from the Animal abstract contract and provides an implementation for the makeSound() function. The override keyword is used to indicate that the function is overriding the virtual function in the parent contract.

Use Cases for Abstract Contracts

Abstract contracts are useful in several scenarios:

  1. Defining Interfaces: Abstract contracts allow you to define a set of functions that other contracts must implement, ensuring a consistent interface across different implementations.
  2. Code Reusability: By defining common functionality in abstract contracts, you can create reusable components that can be extended and customized by other contracts.
  3. Separation of Concerns: Abstract contracts enable you to separate the definition of functionality from its implementation, making it easier to manage and maintain complex systems.

Practical Example: Abstract Contract in a Token System

Let’s consider a more practical example where abstract contracts can be useful in a token system:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.0;abstract contract Token {    function totalSupply() public view virtual returns (uint256);    function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual returns (uint256);    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual returns (bool);}contract MyToken is Token {    mapping(address => uint256) private _balances;    uint256 private _totalSupply;    constructor(uint256 initialSupply) {        _totalSupply = initialSupply;        _balances[msg.sender] = initialSupply;    }    function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) {        return _totalSupply;    }    function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) {        return _balances[account];    }    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {        require(_balances[msg.sender] >= amount, "Insufficient balance");        _balances[msg.sender] -= amount;        _balances[recipient] += amount;        return true;    }}

In this example, Token is an abstract contract that defines the basic structure of a token system with functions for totalSupply(), balanceOf(), and transfer(). MyToken is a concrete contract that inherits from Token and implements these functions, defining a simple token with an initial supply.


Abstract contracts are a versatile tool in Solidity that allows developers to define templates for contract functionality. They promote code reuse, ensure consistency across implementations, and enable the separation of contract definition from implementation. Understanding when and how to use abstract contracts can significantly improve the architecture and maintainability of your smart contracts.
