balance, code and codehash members of address - Solidity Part 3.1.8

In Solidity, the address type is more than just an identifier for an account or contract. It comes with a variety of members that provide access to crucial information about the blockchain’s state. In this post, we’ll focus on three important members of an address: balance, code, and codehash.

1. balance

The balance member of an address returns the amount of Wei (the smallest denomination of Ether) held by the address. This is a simple and commonly used feature when dealing with smart contracts that involve Ether transfers.

Example Usage:

address myAddress = 0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678;
uint256 balance = myAddress.balance;

In this example, balance will store the amount of Wei held by myAddress. This can be particularly useful for checking whether an address has sufficient funds before executing a transaction.

Common Use Cases:

  • Verifying if a contract or user has enough Ether to perform certain operations.
  • Implementing payment or withdrawal functions.

2. code

The code member returns the bytecode at a given address. If the address belongs to an externally-owned account (EOA), the result will be empty, as EOAs do not have associated code.

Example Usage:

address contractAddress = 0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678;
bytes memory contractCode = contractAddress.code;

In this example, contractCode will store the bytecode of the contract deployed at contractAddress. This is particularly useful for checking if an address is a contract before interacting with it, as interacting with an EOA in certain situations might lead to unintended results.

Common Use Cases:

  • Determining whether an address is a smart contract.
  • Analyzing or storing the code of a contract for auditing or monitoring purposes.

3. codehash

The codehash member returns the hash of the code stored at a given address. Like code, if the address is an EOA, the result will be an empty hash (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000).

Example Usage:

address contractAddress = 0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678;
bytes32 contractCodeHash = contractAddress.codehash;

Here, contractCodeHash will store the hash of the code at contractAddress. This hash can be used to verify that a contract has not been tampered with, as any change in the code would result in a different hash.

Common Use Cases:

  • Verifying the integrity of a contract’s code.
  • Identifying contracts by their codehash for security or organizational purposes.

Practical Application: Identifying Smart Contracts

One of the most powerful uses of these members is determining whether an address is an EOA or a smart contract. A simple Solidity function that performs this check might look like this:

function isContract(address _addr) public view returns (bool) {
return _addr.code.length > 0;

This function returns true if the address has code associated with it, meaning it’s likely a smart contract, and false if it doesn’t.


Understanding and using the balance, code, and codehash members of the address type is essential for Solidity developers. These members provide critical insights into the state and nature of accounts on the Ethereum blockchain, enabling more secure and efficient smart contracts.
